Organic Fairtrade Coffee from Sumatra – 340g Whole Coffee Beans in a Jar
THE CUPPleasingly quaffable coffee with warming taste notes of prunes, nougat, toffee, hazelnuts, and candied orange peel. The acidity is low and fruitiness is subtle and mild.
TASTING NOTES: Hazelnuts, toffee, prunes
VARIETY: Caturra
PRODUCER: Cenfrocafe
Drip, French Press, Pour Over
This is an organic and fairtrade certified coffee from the Jaén province within the Cajamarca region of Peru. Located in the northern part of the country, the Jaén Province is one of the thirteen provinces in the Cajamarca Region. Geographically, the province has a mountainous terrain crisscrossed by the rivers of the Huancabamba-Chamaya Basin.
The Cenfrocafe cooperative was founded in 1999 with 220 small-scale coffee farmers in eleven community-based associations. Today, Cenfrocafe has more than 3,000 farmer members in local associations spanning across twelve provinces within the lush Cajamarca region.
On average, Cenfrocafe producers yield twenty 100lb sacks of organic parchment coffee per hectare, and often place in the top finalists in national and international quality competitions. Cenfrocafe farmers have improved access to basic health, education, and other social services.
Cenfrocafe founding member and former president of the producer Board of Directors, Anselmo Huaman Moreto, explains: “A huge difference in our lives is that now our children can actually go to school, our coffee is being recognized in the market for the quality we produce, we are receiving a fair price for our efforts, and our members can be proud again to be farmers.”
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